Sunday, December 19, 2010

This weekend:
driving, a lott of driving. swimming, "consistencyness", concoctions to smear in faces and concoctions in drinks.. whipped cream fights..sour cream in the face, drip drip DROP, slipping, cleaning up, INDO BOARD, "kicking queen";), "Tim...RED EYE FLASHES TWICE!", rockin the mohawk, getting locked IN the room this morning, wanting so much to share my excitement about Jesus with someone, wanting Him more than anything, staying up til 3am, feeding barefoot, can you believe next week right now it will be Christmas? weird...being completely random and telling L.P. a story that took place 7 months ago and gave her all the history and everything about it all in like three minutes.."well, that's my weird randomness for the night" "um lisa? you're always weird" "thanks."
the baby food game, "if i could have Lizzy under my tree on Christmas day, i would be the happiest person in the world":) being paid in trident layers! sugarrr highhh. super huge ice cream cones. countless times i got food or SOMETHING smeared on my face.. a hot sandwich with pineapple on it:) getting lost with Taylor. losing Molly. getting on the boat...
"ICEBERG!" embarrassing Hillary and Lauren was so fun. SPAM TEXTING! "hi hi hi hi hi hi" x's 16.
messin' with Jeremy Tim and Joe. being completely surprise-hugged! umm, Gabe doing that suuper weird thing..someone asked to marry me? im Kyle's hero. missing Latvia like crazyy this weekend, and wanting so much to go back but knowing that i cant because God said so.
"it should make people puke....LAUREN! can you imagine if people REALLY started puking? 'oh why is my stomach so upset??' ITS NOT YOUR STOMACH, ITS HOLY SPIRIT PUKING UP ALL THE CRAP YOU HAVE IN YOURSELF!" [i said this in a veryy public setting, quite loudly.]
"what kind of animals were there when Jesus was born?" "horses!" "cows" "sheep" "pigs"".....i dont think there were pigs in a Jewish barn..."
soooo mannnyyyy peoplesss handssss innnn myyyy haaairrr. like seriously probably 11 people could not get their nasty fingers off my head over the course of this weekend.
receiving spam. getting spam text'd."what's your favorite Bible verse?" "um..I DONT KNOW ITS ALL GOOD!" honestly, how could i pick ONE favorite? so i just said Matthew 18. the PUPPY! hangin out at steak and shake. taking pictures, making gingerbread cookies! talking to God in the car on the way home. to think that He thinks im pure is insane..talking with Hillary about how God does things so backwards and upside down. getting very little sleep. playing my guitar for a longg time:) <3
i LOVE music. just being real with God about my life and where i's good. just telling Him things He already knows, Him just talking back to me! just like He really was sitting in the passenger seat, carrying on in conversation. :) i think He was. and thinking about God, and how He will go wherever He has to to get's crazy. that there is no low that's too low for Him to come to to rescue me. "far as the curse shall last" or whatever. He'll do whatever it takes for me. pretty crazy. pretty messed up. but also really awesome.

over all, from friday til now, the days have blurred in to each other. i slept veryy little. i pretty much lived in Melbourne, but i reallllly love you all there (: soo much. andd now i think ill go have time with Jesus..for a really long time. and then go to sleep. hope you all had a great weekend too.

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