Saturday, January 22, 2011


i got up this morning and was kind of sad..
one whole week since onething orlando. since hanging out with Jeremy and Kenny, since meeting Brittany, since being with a whole crowd of people who loves Jesus just like i do. it really is life-changing, i dont care what anyone says. and missing it is the sentimental side of me coming out..

but then i began to really think about why i missed it so much. i think i know why.

i was telling Gabe about one of the worship services and explaining it to him, and how it was just "SO COOL!" when he said "you got a taste of the awakening."
so i miss this awakening. i miss people, yes. it's not that i "miss" His presence, because He's been with me all week! it's the AWAKENING. He's given me a taste of awakening so that i can crave it.

God isn't One to let you taste something that you love and never let you taste it again.
i have had dream after dream this week that didn't make sense that NOW makes sense. i GET IT. i think.

AWAKENING. God, Awaken Florida! Awaken my city! Set every captive free, and receive the reward for Your suffering! place it on every intercessors heart, wake us up at mad hours of the night to pray for it. place a deep hunger in us to have it. and do not let our cries go unheard.

i am so desperate for Him in a greater measure than before. i don't want old, i want new. 

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