Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lisa-Consecrated One

On the very first day of this year, Holy Spirit asked me if I'd consecrate myself to Him this year. My answer to Him is yes.
yes, i know i will be consecrated to Him by requirement when i go to ihop for an internship, or really anywhere, i am sure.  but i like to put it this way: I'd rather give excessively to Him than to hoard my time and my affections. i won't loose one single thing in this year with Him.
His flaming, burning-with-desire eyes that gaze straight at my heart in complete jealousy is NOT something i can ignore. His frighteningly beautiful gaze overwhelms me.
i was texting a friend of mine, kenny, who put it perfectly. he described my heart towards it perfectly: "it's like Jesus is getting me to a point where His love is the sustainer of my life."
plain and simple, i just couldnt put into words like that.
His love is all i need. and i can JOYFULLY live with that :)
This year, i am taking a bunch of big steps. i become, legally, an adult. i go into my senior year in high school. i go into my sophomore year in college. i am going to Costa Rica, as of right now. the list goes on and on, This year, i am making a lot of large decisions, and i dont want any "drama" to be  distracting me. it's not happening.
realistically, I've BEEN consecrated to that i think about it. hahaha, but id like to not share that story.
There's no one like Him in the heavens or in the earth, I'd like to know this Man better, who is like no one and who no one is like.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl, I just wanted to encourage you, if you are thinking about doing an internship at ihop, DO IT! You won't regret it, its one of the best decisions I ever made with my life, and one of the most God-orchestrated things that has ever happened to me!

    p.s.--if i move there, it will be fun to have you there! you can come hang out at my place :)
