Thursday, January 13, 2011

"MY bride"

i had a most interesting dream last night. about my wedding day. and i was getting ready for it, and like freaking out because my soon to be husband was waiting for me.
when i woke up i was asking God "What the heck was that? What are you saying to me?"
God speaks to me with songs a lot. whether they have the most beautiful lyrics ever, or no lyrics at all. Well, this morning He sang to me "You have ravished My heart" by Brian and Jenn Johnson

"No longer your master but your husband I will be. You have ravished My heart with one glance of your eyes. How fair is your love, my promised, my bride.."

He made it SO real to me. i am His bride!
He's waiting for me to be ready. So very patiently, and so lovingly.
and as He sits there waiting, He's telling me "you have ravished my heart with just one tiny glance from your eyes. i never miss it."
AHH...His love for me is so insane. He thinks i ravish His heart..haha. He ravishes mine! wayy more than i ever could ravish His.
you know that feeling in your heart that you get when you feel ultra loved? well, multiply that feeling by 1456654235845674895423212546748965263321200546878562456. That's how i feel.
He's sooo jealous for me! i don't think life could get better than it is right now.

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