Thursday, January 27, 2011

it's gonna be wild, it's gonna be great, it's gonna be full of Me.

"I'm making plans to waste my life on You.."--John Mark McMillan
such a true statement.
Today i got home from classes, was satisfied with what i turned in to my comm1 teacher, was happy with the way i didn't cry all the way home, and was super stoked 'cause i feel like i can handle this class again. i got in my room, turned on "You deserve it all" by Josh Baldwin [right? lol] and just started talking to God.
i'd like to take this moment in time and say this--God talks back. He's got a crazzzyyyy plan. "it's gonna be wild, it's gonna be great, it's gonna be full of Me!" -Holy Spirit, via Jesus Culture [Come Away] it's so true. God has an amazing plan for me, and He's starting to unfold everything before my seventeen year old, awestruck eyes. No, it doesn't always make sense. i dont even see it the right way at times, andd a majority of the time im sitting here saying "God, that's impossible. but if it's Your will, You make it possible. i am willing." He planted this whole surf ministry idea in my head in August 2010. He has opened soo many doors for me. and just when it all looks impossible to me, He comes and reminds me of His promises and does something to prove to me that "yeah, Lisa! you're on the right track sweetie!" Even now, walking through these classes, He's teaching me. it's hard, it causes a lot of tears, i want to give up sometimes, and sometimes i just need a really long hug. but He's right there with me the entire time, taking each step WITH me, helping me keep my balance, and sometimes He even tells me a joke. =) That's how good He is to me.
anyway, i won't post exactly what's all going on this summer, 2011, BUT i will say that between today andd i think last week exactly to the day, He's given me a lot of direction, and He's continuing to open so many doors for me. wow, He's SO faithful to me! we'll see how it all pans out. if you're praying for me, be praying for:
1) continuing to give me ultra, crystal clear direction.
2) financial support!! [this is kind of a pretty big one right here.]
3) strength, faithfulness, steadiness, more of Jesus, more desperation, complete obedience etc etc etc..
and if you aren't praying for me, please do =) I'd really appreciate it so much!

He's doing so much in my life, even now at my still young age. it's really exciting. be excited with me :] haha, [i tell this to my mom all the time.]

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